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We exist not for our own comfort but for the salvation of souls.  At our church:  May the faithful find salvation, and may the careless be awakened.  May the doubting find faith, and the anxious be encouraged. May the tempted find help, and the sorrowful comfort. May the weary find rest and the strong be renewed. May the aged find consolation, and the young be inspired.



The values, mission, and vision of Slickville Presbyterian Church, reflect those of our denomination the Evangelical Presbyterian Church.  Our values are as follows:

As a church we are reformed, meaning we trace our roots back to the Protestant Reformation and to John Calvin, whom along with the other reformers sought to recover the true gospel according to Scripture.  As a church, we also believe in the absolute sovereignty of God and worship and minister to others for God’s glory.  Our historical and theological heritage is expressed in the five Solas of the Reformation:  Sola Sciprtura, Sola Fide, Sola Gratia, Solus Christus, Soli Deo Gloria.  Thus, we believe that God’s grace alone is the only way to be reconciled to God; our faith alone is the only means or receiving God’s grace; Christ alone is the grounds of God’s saving grace; Scripture alone as the only infallible authority for belief; and God’s glory alone is the ultimate purpose of our lives.

As a reformed, Presbyterian Church, we are also confessional, meaning we have one confessional standard:  The Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms.  While being subordinate to Scripture, The Westminster Catechism enables us to maintain and defend the Gospel as the Bible so proclaims and declares it.

As a church we are evangelical, meaning that we believe that Jesus is the Son of God who became flesh, lived among us, and died for us.  Through Jesus Christ, the Kingdom of God has been inaugurated, thereby freeing people from the guilt and power of sin through personal faith and repentance.  Like our denomination, we believe the Good News of God’s love needs to be shared (ideally in relationships) with those who are alienated from God.  Thus, salvation is found in no one else but Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God.

As a church we are missional, that is to declare that God has a mission:  the creation of a community of men, women, boys, and girls saved through His Son Jesus Christ.  As a missional church, we realize and believe that God has placed our church in a strategic location for the purpose of effectively reaching out to those around us and in the much larger Kingdom of God, with the Good News of Jesus Christ.  As a church, we strive to be missional to our congregation, our community, and the much larger Kingdom of God globally.  

As a church, and although imperfect, we gather together as disciples of Jesus Christ for celebration, prayer, biblical teaching, and then disperse locally and globally into our families, communities, and the much large
r Kingdom of God to love and serve His people.



Vision Statement - Christ Centered, Community and Kingdom Focused

Mission Statement - Touching Hearts...Changing Lives...Building Bridges

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